We’ve got some expertise behind us and we like to share it with the community. You can learn more about who we are and what we do by looking through these blogs.
We focus on the following areas:
- Building Applications.
- Modernising Applications using cloud architectures.
- Migration and cloud application deployments.
ARM Template Role Assignment Learnings
ARM templates are one of those things that the learning curve can be considered steep, but once you get there they make your life so
Assign Teams phone numbers using Microsoft Forms, Logic Apps and Azure Automation
Sometimes provisioning users into Office 365 services requires custom settings to be executed with PowerShell. This can present a problem when the teams responsible for
Tips for purchasing your next Teams video solution
Here are some notes on selecting Teams Room’s based on physical features. These help enable a positive experience when using Microsoft Teams Room’s
The role of Datacenters
The State of Play Current Enterprise ICT Environments are a mix of various technology stacks. Critical and second-tier systems are from different eras. A mix
Automating Azure Site Recovery with PowerShell
In a recent consulting engagement, I’ve needed to perform a large-scale migration of a company’s virtual machine (VM) fleet from an On-premise datacenter to Microsoft
AKS in a Security Conscious Enterprise
Containers and in particular Kubernetes popularity has been going from strength to strength of late. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is the blue PaaS-like offering of
The Cloud – Anagnorisis and Peripeteia
In my work here at Cloudstep we have two distinct sides to our business, a consulting practice “Jtwo Solutions” and a cloud modelling software and
A career with a flammable CV
Planned Obsolescence A baked in part of the design of technology products and an unavoidable side-effect of a career in IT In a discussion with
Cognito authentication integration with Django using authorization code grant.
Note: Assumed knowledge of AWS Cognito backend configuration and underlying concepts, mostly it’s just the setup from an application integration perspective that is talked about
We’re all about enterprise apps. Assessment, modernisation, maintenance, migration and even new builds.
Reach out to us and we’ll work out how we can help.