Securing Born in the Cloud Businesses

Everyone’s had this recently. Organisations they partner with are becoming (justifiably) more stringent about their security. It creates some thorny problems though: Born in the Cloud When we’re talking about a Born in the Cloud Business (BITC) we’re talking about this sort of company: Larger organisations like working with businesses like these. They’re small, agile […]

Assign Teams phone numbers using Microsoft Forms, Logic Apps and Azure Automation

Sometimes provisioning users into Office 365 services requires custom settings to be executed with PowerShell. This can present a problem when the teams responsible for managing the ongoing process have varying levels of understanding. How do you provide a front end user interface for my custom code without the need for the operators to need […]

Add VC Accounts to Microsoft Teams Channels with Azure Automation

At® HQ Microsoft Teams is a big part of how we organise digital asset structure in the business. We are a consulting firm by trade, as new prospects become paying customers we add them as a team. The default General channel is used for administration and accounts, additional channels are created per project name […]

Get your Flow on. .

I’ve talked before about my passion for automation. I loath doing repetitive tasks and fear inconsistency whilst undertaking them. Its not that I’m lazy, I recognise that people are generally busy and sometimes its hard to maintain focus on repetitive tasks, its easy to forget a step here and there amongst everything else that’s going […]