Undocumented ARM Oddities – .Net Core App Services

Every once in a while, when working with ARM templates you come across something that is missing from the official Microsoft ARM template reference. In my case yesterday, I was looking to update the configuration of an Azure App Service to use the DotNetCore stack (rather than .NET 4.8).

While I initially thought this would be a quick job to simply look up the ARM reference and make the required changes, I found that there was nothing about DotNetCore in the ARM reference. Funny enough, there is a value for “netFrameworkVersion”, but don’t be deceived, if you are looking to setup DotNetCore – this value is not for you (this is for regular .Net only).

To better understand the problem, I Clickly Clikcy’d in an App Service and configured it for DotNetCore (Clickly Clicky is our lingo for deploying infrastructure using the portal rather than a CLI or template). With this, I attempted my usual trick of exporting a template and observing the JSON it spits out. However, much to my amazement I couldn’t see any reference to dotnetcore in there at all.

In the end it was the Azure Resource Explorer which came to my rescue. Used the tool to explore the example I created and found a value called “CURRENT_STACK” in the properties of the “Microsoft.Web/sites/config” resource type.

After playing this this for a while, I was able to translate this into my ARM template with the following JSON.

    "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites",
    "name": "[variables('WebSiteName')]",
    "apiVersion": "2020-06-01",
    "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
    "kind": "app",
    "properties": {
        "siteConfig": {
            "metadata": [{
                "name": "CURRENT_STACK",
                "value": "dotnetcore"

Hopefully this helps anyone who encounters this problem.




How to Achieve Cloud Cost Savings by Avoiding These Cost Overruns

Any company that runs for long enough will inevitably run into cost overruns; the key, though, is to minimise the number of cost overruns and mitigate the damage from overruns that occur. However, one of the costliest overruns a company can face has to do with cloud migration. In this article, we will tackle the ten most important strategies for avoiding a devastating financial blowout.

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