SD-WAN made easy

I’ll start by asking you two questions:

Are you paying too much for your Wide Area Network (WAN)?

And, is it the best method of connecting to the public Cloud?

At we are constantly looking for ways to improve our customers connectivity to the public cloud. We consider cloud network connectivity a foundation service that must be implemented at the beginning of a successful cloud journey. Getting it right at the start is imperative to allow any cloud service adoption to truely reach its potential and not suffer from underserved network issues like latency, bandwidth and round-trip.

If the public cloud is going to become your new datacenter then why not structure your network around it.

What if I could solve your cloud connectivity and WAN connectivity in a single solution. Azure WAN is a service that offers you a centralised software defined managed network. Connect all your sites via VPN or ExpressRoute to Azure WAN and let Microsoft become your network layer 3 cloud that traditional telco providers are probably charging you hand over fist for. Who better to become your network service provider for your software defined network (SDN) then one of the largest software companies in the world! Microsoft.

Commodity business grade internet services are becoming cheaper now thanks to things like the NBN where it is truely a race to the bottom in regards to price in my opinion, which is great for the consumer… finally! Procuring NBN business grade connections for each of your office locations and then use Azure WAN to quickly deploy a secure network for site-to-site and site-to-Azure connectivity.

I believe that a service like this is really here to disrupt traditional network service providers and add great value to existing or new Microsoft Azure customers.

We are always looking to save money in a move to the cloud, potentially your network cost could be your biggest reduction. Get in contact with us at to see if we can help you reform your network.


Async, Python vs Javascript

In programming, async (short for asynchronous) refers to a method of executing tasks where actions can occur independently of the main program flow. Instead of

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