Any application workload you deploy, be it on-premises or in the cloud requires supporting infrastructure. Things like network, storage, web servers, database servers etc. In the good old days we built each layer piece by piece. Virtualisation and then the cloud made this easier, reducing the need to laboriously wrangle with hardware on a day to day basis, however, we still need to build the various layers. The Azure Resource Manager (ARM) portal has improved significantly in recent years, but we are still largely building things one by one.
What’s wrong with this you may ask? I don’t have to crawl around in a data centre and I haven’t rack mounted anything in years. . . Happy Days right?
Well. . Its still a pretty complicated way of building things. There are loads of manual steps, its error prone and duplicating infrastructure in a consistent manner is difficult, time consuming and almost always results in subtle inconsistencies.
Subtle means small or minor differences right? That can’t be a big deal. . Most well run IT departments run some variant of Dev, QA, UAT, pre-Prod and Prod environments. We all understand this, everything preceding prod its where we test and iron out bugs before placing our workloads into prod for the business to consume. “Subtle”, no big deal, minor, whatever. . This almost always results in a conversation between an application owner, project manager and infrastructure manager where the application owners app works in one environment, but not another. . Head scratching usually follows. One of the common symptoms of subtle differences that result from this approach is an erosion of trust and unwanted friction between the IT department and the business, and nobody wants that.
“Erosion” that sounds bad. . How do we fix this problem and get back to Happy Days? Azure DevOps, ARM templates and Infrastructure as Code. These are your new friends. In the words of the Fonzie. . “Step into my office”. Whilst almost anyone who has played with Azure are familiar with the Azure Portal, the clicky clicky way of quickly deploying infrastructure. ARM templating in conjunction with well defined DevOps methodologies is where the subtle differences disappear.
When you describe your infrastructure as code, deploying entire workloads or even an entire data centre becomes a easily repeatable process. “Subtle” and its differences doesn’t live here. Build an exact replica of the UAT workload in pre-Prod, no worries. . . What’s the catch? What does this take. . ? I wont lie it involves some new thinking, but its easier than you might think. . .
Microsoft provide free cross platform high quality tools to accomplish this task. If you are thinking, “Infrastructure as Code. . . hang on a sec, I’m not a programmer. . .What is this guy on about. . .” Keep reading I promise its really not all that difficult. With some different thinking you can easily accomplish great things. If you are still with me and are thinking Exactamundo that’s what we need, but are unsure where to start, I have some tips for where to begin.
Step 1 – Establish your DevOps Development Environment
You’ll need some tools to get started, whilst there are many different approaches, I like the MS tool set and best of all its cross platform so I can use it with my Mac.
Azure DevOps Subscription
Azure DevOps makes collaboration and code deployment easy, it is an online suite of continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools that can be used to develop, host and deploy ARM templates. Azure DevOps can host private GIT repositories to securely store and maintain version control of the ARM templates throughout development. You can get started with Azure DevOps for free at:
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is a free code editor that supports multiple languages, its cross platform, rock solid and easy to use. It also sports third party extension support that can make the development process even easier. You can read all about it here:
I personally use the following extensions:
- Azure Resource Manager – this makes VS code understand all things Azure
- Beautify – execute this across your code from the command pallet and your code is made beautiful with perfect indentation in a snap.
- PowerShell – this makes VS code understand PowerShell with rich language support In an IDE like interface.
PowerShell and Azure
PowerShell is the swiss army knife for all things Microsoft these day, Azure is no exception. Your existing PowerShell skills are transferable and compliment what you’ll soon achieve with ARM templates. Azure (Resource Manager) can be managed using PowerShell and the AzureRM Module. In addition to native support in Windows, PowerShell is now cross platform and can be installed on MacOS and Linux.
If you are a macOS user like me, PowerShell Core supports macOS 10.12 and higher. All packages are available from the GitHub releases page: Once the package is installed, run “pwsh” from a terminal. Detailed installation instructions can be found here:
- The AzureRM module for Windows can be installed by running Install-Module -Name AzureRM -AllowClobber
- The AzureRM.netcore module for MacOS can be installed by running Install-Module -Name AzureRM.Netcore
Detailed instructions for Windows can be found here: for MacOs here:
Step 2. ARM Template Fundamentals
ARM Templates provide an elegant way of deploying Infrastructure as Code to Azure, however, getting started can be overwhelming especially if you are not from a development background. Before you try and author your first template its helpful to have a run through of the fundamentals and some knowledge of where to look for more information.
An ARM template defines the objects you want, their types, names and properties in a Java Script Object Notation (JSON) file which can be interpreted by the ARM REST API. To begin authoring ARM templates, it is helpful to have an understanding of some fundamental concepts. Whilst not being a full featured programming language, ARM does have some advanced function capabilities over and above the general descriptive nature of ordinary JSON.
Template Structure
ARM templates have a defined structure. In its simplest form a template has the following elements:
[code language=”javascript”] { “$schema”: ““, “contentVersion”: “”, “parameters”: {}, “variables”: {}, “functions”: [], “resources”: [], “outputs”: {} } [/code]
You can read all about the template structure here:
ARM Template Reference
Ok so how do I describe the objects that make up my workload? Objects in ARM are defined in a consistent way. The “type” identifies what kind of object we are creating. Microsoft maintain an ARM template reference for each object type which can be reviewed to determine the required properties of an object and the data type of the value that is expected.
[code language=”javascript”] { “name”: “string”, “type”: “Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks”,”apiVersion”: “2018-08-01”, “location”: “string”, “tags”: {}, “properties”: {} } [/code]
The template reference for each object can easily be found by concatenating the base reference URL: the type “Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks” to create the URL:
ARM Template Functions
In programming a function can, be described as a named section of a program that performs a specific task. In this sense, a function is a type of procedure or routine, which usually returns a value. ARM has comprehensive function capabilities which assist with looking up objects, deriving values and reducing the number of lines of code. ARM has functions in the following categories:
- Array and object functions
- Comparison functions
- Deployment value functions
- Logical functions
- Numeric functions
- Resource functions
- String functions
You add functions in your templates by enclosing them within brackets: [ and ], respectively. The expression is evaluated during deployment. While written as a string literal, the result of evaluating the expression can be of a different JSON type, such as an array, object, or integer. Just like in JavaScript, function calls are formatted as functionName(arg1,arg2,arg3). You reference properties by using the dot and [index] operators. Further reading on ARM functions can be found here:
Step 3 Play, Practice, Happy Days
Like anything new, it takes time, but with some practice and persistence, you can become a DevOps ARM template guru and remove “Subtle” from your IT department. . . Happy Days.