Flutter for mobile app development

Mobile apps have become an essential part of our daily lives, with over 6 billion smartphone users worldwide. As a result, there has been a significant increase in demand for mobile app development. There are two main approaches to mobile app development: In this blog, I’m going to talk about the leading cross-platform framework, Flutter, […]
AWS EventBridge Triggering SSM Automation IAM Role Error
I recently wanted to create an Amazon EventBridge rule that will schedule an SSM Automation document. A rule watches for certain events (cron in my case) and then routes them to AWS targets that you choose. You can create a rule that performs an AWS action automatically when another AWS action happens, or a rule […]
AWS ECS CloudFormation Fails – Unable to assume the service linked role.
I ran into an interesting issue when building a new ECS Cluster using CloudFormation. The CloudFormation stack would fail on Type: AWS::ECS::Service with error: Unable to assume the service linked role. Please verify that the ECS service linked role exists. (Service: AmazonECS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterException; Request ID: beadf3d5-3406-11e9-828d-b16cd52796ef) Okay google, what’s this […]
YAML it Rhymes with Camel
I’ve blogged before about my passion for automation and the use of ARM templating in the Azure world to eradicate the burden of dull and mundane tasks from the daily routine of system administrators for whom I do consulting for. I loath repetitive tasks, its in this space where subtle differences and inconsistency love to […]